
Best Tools, Cost Overview & Tips

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In the first year, there are sometimes enormous discounts. These are not considered here. The hosting and the domain can often be purchased from the same provider.


  • .de domain: ca. 8-12€/year
  • .com domain: ca. 10-24€/year
  • My current choice: strato.de


  • My choice so far: siteground.com for 228€/year, with the price for the first year being 43€.
  • Alternative: Hosting directly through Elementor for 214€/year. Main advantage: Elementor Pro plugin worth 70€ is included in the price
  • YouTube DE – Hostinganbieter Übersicht
  • From 2024 I plan to move to Hostinger, as the price-performance ratio is significantly better

WordPress Plugins:


My thoughts

  • WordPress offers good templates for simple use cases, which can be installed and filled with content quickly and easily
  • If you build your own website, you understand how everything is structured and only your own skills are the limiting factor
  • Whereby this statement must be completed: Cost can also be a factor. Many at first sight common website functions require an external plugin, which then usually has a pro version. So costs can add up quickly
  • If I wanted to create an online store, I would look at Shopify and not directly use WordPress + WooCommerce
  • Free and powerful filter and table functions are missing in WordPress. Adding Dark Mode without a Plugin is not easy as well and the plugins are not working very well
  • It takes time to learn WordPress. If you need a professional website, which has to be online 24/7, you should also have it created by anyone who knows how to do it. But if you have ever heard the words hosting, SEO, plugins, themes and understand the difference between blog and online store, this will benefit communication.